Zip Me Up

29 Oct

My outfit is nothing exciting, I just wore my ancient jeans, my ancient converse, purple argyle socks (what?), and this shirt.  It’s (relatively) new, so here’s the debut!

I got it at a TJ Maxx in Norwalk when I was living out there in Connecticut with my in-laws over the summer.  I feel like Abby and I went shopping at TJ Maxx a lot (though I only ever got this shirt)…oh and Loehman’s…man I wish they had one of those out here!

Anyway.  You should be proud of me for actually showing my face in the picture today, of all days, because I look really, really tired (which I am…thanks to a lot of crazy dreams/nightmares lately and a poorly-made batch of earplugs and who knows what else) and because my hair looks sort of frizzy.  Guys I’m really lazy.  I don’t even have motivation to really do my hair.


Jeans: Hudson probably from Nordstrom, Shirt: Willi Smith (is this noteworthy?) from TJ Maxxxxxx

Here’s my favorite part of the shirt (oh and look, you can see the patch on my rear where the pants are about to split.  I really should stop wearing these jeans).  Also, lo specchio e grigio.  Or something.


Silliness is what this is.

Side note: speaking of zippers, does anyone remember that weird picture book that didn’t have any words, just pictures of an animal who would unzip its skin and a smaller animal would be inside?  I think it ended with a mouse.  It was actually a little creepy.

3 Responses to “Zip Me Up”

  1. Megan October 31, 2012 at 9:05 am #

    I dig it. The title of this post made me think of that “start me up” song.

  2. janeite42 November 1, 2012 at 10:58 am #

    Cute shirt but I don’t understand the zipper. Is it just for looks? It’s not like you wouldn’t be able to get your head through the top of the shirt without it. E ti ho mandato un regalino.

    • Shannon November 1, 2012 at 11:55 am #

      Everybody asks about the purpose of the zipper 😦 It’s CLEARLY so I can get out of my skin quicker and reveal that I’m actually a mouse. Either that or its for looks. You may never know…

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