
18 Nov


So I suppose it’s no secret to those who know me that I wish I could dress like a professor (or farmer or fisherman) in 1930s England. I love men’s leather shoes (especially wingtips), wool/tweed, glasses and leather satchels. Honestly I love a lot of men’s fashions but it doesn’t always translate well to my feminine form so I try to take part where I can. That’s one reason why I like this wool button skirt. I’ll admit it fit better when my waistline was thinner, but I’ll take the trade-off. 🙂


Also my hair is driving me crazy. I think I want bangs again, but does anybody have any ideas for haircuts? I’ve been thinking about going kinda short, honestly, but I know Jared’s not a big fan. My reasoning is that it’ll grow out eventually if it doesn’t look good, but I’ll admit it makes me a little nervous.

And Shannon’s in Italy on her delayed honeymoon! I’m kinda jealous… I hope she takes a ton of pictures. 🙂

2 Responses to “Tweedy”

  1. LP November 18, 2012 at 7:50 pm #

    I feel the same way about men’s fashions. When everyone wears their formal clothes, I think men usually look better than the women. The only time women’s clothes looked as good as men’s clothes (in general and in my opinion) was maybe in Edwardian times and the 1940s. There have been times though, when both men’s and women’s clothes were equally bad. Like the late 1960s and early 1970s.

    Anyway, I really like your outfit! Very cute.

  2. Shannon November 23, 2012 at 2:43 pm #

    I like your shoes. I wants them. Also, I think I have that sweater. Is it from el gappo?
    I am taking lots of pichurs, don’t you fret.

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